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marketplaces – shopping & beyond

As European shopping center market leader, we have been successful in the market for over five decades. Today we manage around 200 unique shopping centers. In this category, you can find out how we make our centers fit for the future, what tomorrow's shopping will look like and the challenges we face in managing them.


How can we create places that attract, excite and inspire people again and again - urban experience spaces with a wow effect? In our blog conversation, food expert Jonathan Doughty, Project Director - Leasing Services at ECE Marketplaces, and architect Marc Blum, Director Creative Design at ECE Group Services, reveal what matters in placemaking and what role tenants play in the process.

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Digital Workplace @ECE

Whether in retail, in the shopping centers, or at the workplace: Digitalization shapes working life at ECE. Our goal: To expand future-proof concepts that combine online and offline and were already in development and implementation before the Corona pandemic as quickly as possible. Working models that combine the best of the digital working world and personal exchange on site are also more in demand than ever.

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Internet of Things sensor solutions for shopping centers

The future belongs to the "Internet of Things" (IoT). More and more places are using sensors that transmit measurement data to IoT platforms. There, the information is evaluated in real time. In this way, it is possible to react to a potential problem at an early stage. A principle that has enormous potential for loss prevention. A pilot project is now testing how IoT sensors can be used to predict and prevent water damage in shopping centers.

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Esport: Interview with Mike Hillen

Mike Hillen is no stranger to the German-speaking e-sports scene. Anyone who deals with gaming in this country will quickly come across the name of the Osnabrücker - whether as a gamer, streamer, promoter of young talent or entrepreneur. As such, he is now doing business together with ECE - and brings online gaming into stationary retail with the concept "Esport Arcade".

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Re-opening centers through experience and flexibility

Reopening of the centers: Back to old shopping pleasures with operator experience and flexibility - Thanks to many years of expertise and trust-based cooperation, the shopping centers can open and life can be implemented instead of a lockdown. Low-threshold vaccination offers are an important element - Ulrich Schmitz enlightens!

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IT-competence at ECE

When asked to summarize her job in IT and SAP consulting, our colleague Ojuna Sergejewa-Weisenseel says that it is about constantly overcoming new challenges, developing solutions through open-mindedness and analytical skill, and working as a team. In this interview, she shares exciting insights into her diverse range of duties.

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Future-proof retail needs continuous transformation

The Corona pandemic continues to have a firm grip on the retail and shopping center industry. The industry will have to deal with the effects of the lockdowns for quite some time to come. But the fact remains that leasing today has to focus on more than just retail. Steffen Friedlein reports!

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Gray energy

What is gray energy? And what role does this "invisible" energy play for the real estate industry? In the course of European climate protection, the emissions from the production of building materials and the associated energy consumption are increasingly coming into focus.

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CANO Singen

With the Cano in Singen, ECE opens its last new shopping project for the time being. Nils Hoffmann, ECE Senior Leasing Manager, reveals in an interview which new store concepts the city of 50,000 inhabitants in the Lake Constance region can look forward to. Why the Swiss like to come across the border to shop and how Corona has made leasing difficult on the last few meters.

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Green Deal Real Estate Industry

Sustainability is one of the most important topics of the future - also in the real estate industry. Maria Hill, Director Sustainability & Corporate Communications at ECE, talks about sustainability in times of Corona, the European Union's Green Deal and the role of renewable energies.

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